Whats Up With These Preachers?
Like everyone else these days, we're all basically tired of hearing on an unfortunate occasion the voice of a whinny, wimpy, "emotional" loud mouthed preacher yelling and talking down at everyone about Salvation and how we all need it. Well, Like it or not thats right, We do need it!!
Unfortunately it all fades into a blur as they now get off into the whole money begging thang for the rest of the service and representing how God is really broke... so it seems.
Personally i think?...NO, I KNOW!.. they are so off and far from the truth what he/she (or whoever they are) supposedly believes and preaches about. The message these days seems to have been lost or diluted by other matters more important than the basic simple outreach of God's Pure Love to a crying out/hurting people. Almost everywhere you look or hear on the T.V. or Radio you'll run across these dime a dozen preachers that come from seminaries that really do teach this method so to become "successful" in the Ministry. Times have really changed and its really sad some have turned to this way or style.
Unfortunately success is measured in the amount of people acquired who have joined their church/ministry and that equals big revenue, which equals success in their book. Their show has to be good enough to sell people on whatever it takes to accomplish this... in the name of Jesus. Hey, it works!! Selling Jesus is big money! Putting on a big show works great! But what is wrong with this whole picture? It really seems that from their words Salvation "isn't free" after all, but it now has a obvious price on it. Get saved then pay up cause thats what Christians do to support their Pastor and Church. Hey the bills gotta be paid and i totally understand that, but it just keeps going on and on about "we really need" this or that. Its almost like its a vanity/luxury thing with these people. After all, its a tax free organization, how can you go wrong!
But my argument here is more about the common sense of priorities of these conditional "money changers". My concern is about those who are honest and right-on and preach the word in all its simplicity without all the drama and pony show. For those who might not believe or agree on that, just tune to ch.40 or where ever you run across it and your stomach will turn, more than likely you'll see what i'm talking about, but hopefully not. I see it all the time...men and women with powerful words to convince many to join in with them or their own agenda you know little about. Sorta a real "blind faith" kinda thing if you know what i mean.
It really sucks to even bring this up!
Now, with that said...
I'm not seeking to disclaim anyone "other" than those who are about what i'm talking about and practice this style of preaching. And all i know is that God will be the judge...not me. I know better yet i also know i need to and can voice my opinion. Someday this might not be possible!
All i really want to say is this...
Please ignore these "showman" and don't hold how they are, against the simple low strung teachers and preachers, but please remain open in mind and heart to those who are real and seek nothing more than to help people find their way in life and have a "personal relationship' with Jesus Christ.
Those who walk the walk and serve humbly without all the fancy toys, over priced designer suits and extra impressive yet temporal man made churches/buildings. Do you honestly think God is impressed?? God has people who keep him above everything, and it never has been limited to just this group or church or that race etc. either.
I've seen God move better in a simple park setting or even a humble tent! I'm really glad that there are plenty of Pastors, Ministers, etc. who are right-on and not caught up in flat out corruption!
To me Rev. Billy Graham or Chuck Smith are great examples of how it really should be. There are fewer like these men of God it seems but i know that they are out there too. Just in a different way. Hopefully these Men of God will be heard and not shut off just because of "others". There really are a lot of good preachers out there! These don't need to beg, or get all into emotional (showmanship) yelling to "pump everyone up" to let you know that Jesus is the way for Salvation and not your money for theirs.
Now whether you agree with me or not, or follow one of these people and are offended about what i just stated?
Thats something you need to take to God. Let him show you whats really going on these days.
I held back as best as i could but i know it will be said regardless if by me or by a non believer who sees it as a big turn off too... and yes, i also know there are so many who would agree. The question now is... what can we help do about it?
People these days are closed minded and don't really like us for shoving the truth down thier throats...I been there and sometimes i don't blame them! Theres our way and then theres God's way to touch a soul. We as Christians need to let God's Spirit work and speak to us and to them. Example is always first on my list! If i can't back it up...then i gotta shut up! Being real so others don't see right through us also helps. Talking on a human caring level without coming across as holier than thou is a big plus and theres so much more... but you already know that.
One last comment from me is this about those that go all out when it comes to entertaining the flock. We need a place to Worship and Praise NOT a place to sit back and be "entertained".
I want to Worship not entertain God!
Well, with all this said, i will shut up now!
I'll leave you with a bible verse that relates :
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
Remember that a Minister is to Minister, not only in word but in serving. Many do serve others (us) as called to do but unfortunately it has been turned around by many more these days who rather be served by us and are more about self than self-less. Find a good man of God who knows how to serve and you also found a gem of God. We all should be.
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